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What is Islam? Who is Allah? What are their objectives within the Realm of Time?

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Concerning the political/ideological/theological chasm existing between those who support the Nation of Israel and those who support Palestine/Gaza/HAMAS (Islam)…

For the Record concerning the current conflict between Israel v. Palestine (HAMAS), Lebanon (Hezbollah), Iran (their terrorist, Islamic proxies), Yemen (Houthis) and the political-ideological divide existing within the United States…KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Concerning Islam,

The demonic root of Palestine’s HAMAS; Lebanon’s Hezbollah; Iran’s other terrorist proxies; Yemen’s Houthis, is the religious cult of Islam. Islam’s “Allah” is Satan masquerading as an angel of light via the Arabic moon god. Islam was founded by a 7th-Century nomadic demon-possessed pedophile murdering thief named Muhammad who plagiarized the Torah to construct the Quran. Islam is a demonic cult of death.

Islam’s root is the act of adultery between Abraham and Hagar producing the “wild ” (wild donkey) of a man named Ishmael, the father of the Islmaelites, who are the progenitor of the false prophet, Muhammad. Islam is Satan’s presence within the Realm of Time and physics.

Concerning Allah’s (Satan’s) objectives,

Allah’s (Satan’s) objective is the complete annihilation of Israel’s children and the nullification of the unconditional property covenant Elohim entered into with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis 13:15) as the “Land of Israel” is essential eschatological real estate relevant to the introduction of the Messiah whose primary purpose for entering the Realm of Time was “to destroy the works of the Devil (Allah)” (1 John 3:8b) via a divine battle strategy known as the Gospel of Grace which was first pictured in Genesis 3:21 but ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10).

Messiah’s purpose for entering the Realm of Time,

Messiah entered the Realm of Time due to an unfathomable angelic rebellion, a rebellion orchestrated by Satan-Allah, that manifest in the Kingdom of Elohim, a rebellion that necessitated a repository for that Kingdom War apart from the Kingdom which under girded the initiation of the Genesis Creation Narrative; this, as Elohim endeavors to restore order and peace to His Kingdom while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation as He deals with the wiles of the Devil via selfless love and sacrifice via the Gospel.

Allah’s obsession with Israel,

Allah’s obsession with the children of Israel and the Land of Israel concerns Satan’s desire to make Elohim a concerning Elohim’s divine, sovereign, promises beginning with Genesis 3:15-21, continuing through Noah, Shem, Abraham; the Hebrew Tribes, Sinai, through Judah, through the prophets, through Messiah into the Age of Grace; the Crucifixion; the Gospel and Great Commission; the New Covenant Church; the Tribulation; the Millennial Kingdom; the judgment of Satan, the Beast, the False prophet, the fallen-rebellious angels/demons interned in Hell, forever; the Judgment of the Condemned intertwined with the purification of the Earth by fire; the creation of a New Heaven and a New Earth and ultimately the eternal placement of the New Jerusalem where the redeemed in Messiah will serve Him in resurrected bodies, forever.

Allah’s tactics,

Allah-Satan has pursued his goal of proving Elohim a through the failures and demonic compromise of the Adamic/Noahic generations resulting in the annihilation of humanity save eight; the failures of Israel’s children to honor Elohim’s covenants, their unbelief/rejection of Messiah, their unfaithfulness with Baal/Molech.

Allah-Satan sought to defile/deter the Messiah through demonic temptation and the horrors of Roman Crucifixion; Allah-Satan was integral to Herod’s slaughter of innocence to murder the Messiah; Allah-Satan assumed he had won victory at Golgotha; Allah-Satan inspired Titus-the 10th-Roman Legion’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD; Allah-Satan conspired with Hitler concerning “The Final Solution” and the Jewish Holocaust; Allah-Satan, through his demons, possesses the heart, soul, mind, of every Islamist whose obsessive-compulsive objective in life is the death of every Israeli man, woman and child and the custody of Israel’s property into the hands of Allah’s servants, a Land bordered by the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Allah’s objective through Islam is the death of anyone who rejects the false prophet Muhammad and his demonic religion of Islam.

Spiritual-Political ramifications of Allah’s presence in Time and Politics, today…The United States…

As we witness the unfathomable rise and presence of antisemitism in the United States and around the World, understand that all we see in the conflict between Israel’s IDF and the armies of Islam is SPIRITUAL in nature; this conflict is nothing more than a physical manifestation of the ongoing Spiritual conflict between good v. evil, Elohim v. Satan.

Also, know that every man and woman who supports the armies of Islam, whether they be represented by Palestine – Jordan – Iran – Lebanon – Yemen or any other Nation – State throughout the World, these are servants of Satan. This is why those in the United States who march for Palestine supporting the terrorist organization of HAMAS and express fervent hatred for Israel; these, overwhelmingly belong to a Political Party that advocates for the murder of babies in the womb; the uncensored and undeterred expansion of sexual perversion throughout American society via LGBTQ objectives which specifically target America’s children and seek the destruction of the Biblical family unit (Allah loathes the Biblical family); this is why Marxism and Progressivism and Abortion and BLM and ANTIFA and DEI and reverse discrimination AKA Affirmative Action mandates, are worshiped like gods among those who identify with the Democrat-Progressive-Marxist-Secular Humanist Party of the United States; therefore, know your enemy.

You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20). Elohim is victorious through Messiah Jesus (Revelation 5:5).

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